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J O I N   M Y   N E W S L E T T E R

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How To Photograph Fungi

The first day of photography in five months came last week when, despite heavy rain and dropping temperatures, I decided that I had to get out for a nature fix. The air was a little more humid than expected for November - perfect conditions for mushrooms in my local woodland. I arrived a little before sunset, walking around looking for interesting scenes. Most of the fungi were past their prime, looking a bit ragged, but this cluster of mycena fungi caught my attention, assembled on a log like a crowd of people, with trees towering behind them.

By lowering my camera with a wide-angle lens attached, and holding a torch to the side with the camera's white balance set to tungsten, I created this otherworldly blue scene. Incidentally I don't think these are magic mushrooms, but it would make a fitting title for the photo, don't you think? 

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