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Despite their small size and little renown outside of Panama, the mangrove-fringed islands of the Bocas Del Toro archipelago are home to some of the most extensive rainforest in Central America. Whilst working on a TV production in February 2018, on one of its larger islands Isla Bastimentos, I spent my free time tracking down its colourful animal inhabitants. 


One of my favourite finds was a pair of Caiman who lived behind the production office and with whom I became very well acquainted over the course of my stay. Most mornings before breakfast I would try to get a few minutes with them, and one morning I was rewarded with the unforgettable sight of 7 hatchlings taking their first swim.


F E A T U R E D   S P E C I E S


C A I M A N  •  W H I T E - F A C E D   C A P U C H I N   •   T H R E E - T O E D   S L O T H   •   B R O W N   B A S I L I S K

G O L D E N - C O L L A R E D   M A N N A K I N   •   P A S S E R I N I ' S   T A N A G E R   •   T E N N E S S E E   W A R B L E R

G R O O V E - B I L L E D   A N I   •   R E D - L O R E D   P A R R O T   •   C L A Y - C O L O U R E D   T H R U S H

B L A C K - C H E E K E D   W O O D P E C K E R   •   G R E Y - N E C K E D   W O O D - R A I L    

R U F O U S - T A I L E D   H U M M I N G B I R D  •   T H I C K - B I L L E D   S E E D F I N C H


Caiman (female)
Caiman (male)
Baby Caiman
Caiman (female)
Caiman (female)
Caiman (male)
Baby Caimans
Caiman (female)
Golden-Collared Mannakin
White-Faced Capuchin
Brown Basilisk
Grey-Necked Wood-Rail
Passerini's Tanager
Three-Toed Sloth
Black-Cheeked Woodpecker
Tennessee Warbler
Brown Basilisk
Black-Cheeked Woodpecker
Groove-Billed Ani
Red-Lored Parrots
Rufous-Tailed Hummingbird
White-Faced Capuchin
Golden-Collared Mannakin
Clay-Coloured Thrush
Golden-Collared Mannakin
White-Faced Capuchin
Red-Lored Parrot
Thick-Billed Seedfinch
Golden-Collared Mannakin
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